• PK Blogs

Employee Benefits

We at PK Employee Benefits understand that, for many employers, the last thing they’re thinking of right now is changing benefits suppliers. However, they are also more likely to be focused on the ‘bottom line’ than ever before. They will also have worries about how the current crisis affect many of their benefits.

Our team have an established track record of helping employers save money:

  • Efficient broking of insurance products such as Group Life/Income Protection/PMI. All brokers are not the same. When we take over schemes, in the majority of cases we make immediate savings as existing brokers have simply not gone to market effectively
  • Introduction of salary sacrifice. All employers that you work with have to have a pension. If any are not using salary sacrifice (you should be able to identify these by looking at payroll), we can make immediate Employer’s NIC savings by helping them implement salary sacrifice

Many employers will be also feeling ‘left out in the cold’ by their employee benefits consultants – right now employees and employers are asking questions like this:

  • How are falling markets affecting my pension funds?
  • What is my pension provider doing to mitigate my losses?
  • What Covid 19 cover does my PMI provide?
  • Will my Group Life insurance or Income Protection cover Covid 19?
  • Does Corona virus absenteeism cause renewal issue for my group policies?
  • I can’t get to my GP, can my PMI supplement GP services?

We have been issuing pro-active communications to all the employers that we work with on these questions and more. If your clients aren’t getting the same support from their existing benefits consultants then we’d love to have a conversation. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via eb@pkgroup.co.uk or download our introductory factsheet here.


Adam Ryan

Head of Employee Benefits

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