Your financial plan can only start at one place – with you.
Stage 1: An initial meeting at our expense
The aim of this meeting is to understand your needs and to explore whether we can help.
If you are happy to become one of our clients, we will agree the service level and fees. At this stage it will usually be clear whether Financial Planning Annual – our yearly review service, Financial Planning 365 – our ongoing service or our transactional service, will be more suitable for your situation.
Stage 2: Gathering your personal information and goals
We will then gather the necessary information from you such as details of your existing investments, your personal goals, your attitude to investment risk and reward, and your income and expenditure. This will enable us to compile the most suitable recommendations.
Stage 3: Analysing and evaluating
Once we have received all the data and your signed client agreement we will commence work on providing your financial report and recommendations.
Stage 4: Financial plan presentation
We will send your report and recommendation in advance of the next meeting and then explain how our recommendations fit in with your objectives and sound financial planning principles.
Stage 5: Implementation
After agreeing which of the recommendations you want to take forward, we will complete all the necessary documentation. This stage may include arranging meetings with one of our professional partners.
Stage 6: Ongoing service and reviews
For our Transactional clients, we will respond to your requests for additional service on demand (subject to additional fees). For our Financial Planning 365 clients, we will agree the level and frequency of future meetings as part of our documented service. Regardless of how you prefer to work with us, we are always at the end of the phone, ready to assist you. For our Financial Planning Annual service clients, we will review your plans once a year.
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Financial Planning 365
We provide a year round service and a comprehensive annual review to ensure that your financial strategy and goals remain aligned.
Financial Planning Annual
We carry out an annual meeting and review of your portfolio to help ensure your financial strategy and goals remain aligned.
Resource centre
A comprehensive resource library containing tax calculators, allowances and deadlines.
We're here to help
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Resource Centre
A comprehensive resource library containing tax calculators, allowances & deadlines.
Other services we offer:
Property Advice
Independent mortgage advice from your first step on the property ladder through to later life requirements.
Financial Planning Process
PK Group offers 3 types of service: Financial Planning 365, Financial Planning Annual and Transactional.
Tax Planning Services
PK Group help our clients to identify, plan for and potentially mitigate their tax planning burdens.